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Banning / Unbanning

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Banning / Unbanning


By default, since Terraria stores player profiles locally, it's only possible to ban players based on their IP address.


If a player is online, you can utilize the ban <username> command in the server console.

If they are offline but you know their IP address, you can add it as an entry into the banlist.txt file using the File Manager. We would recommend following the ban command's formatting and adding a comment with the player's name above the entry.

As an example, here is how two entries would look:

// Mr.Griefer
// BadDuck07

Changes to the file are reflected instantly.


In order to lift a ban, open the banlist.txt file using the File Manager.

There, find the name or IP address of the player you wish to unban and remove the two lines related to them.

As an example, if we want to unban BadDuck07, we will remove these two lines:

// Mr.Griefer
-// BadDuck07

Changes to the file are reflected instantly.


When using TShock, it's possible to ban based on the server-side user profiles instead of the IP address.


To ban a player permanently, you can use the /ban add <username> <reason> command in-game or in the console without the slash.

If you wish to permanently ban an IP address, you can use /ban addip <ip> instead.

To ban a player temporarily, you can do /ban addtemp <name> <time> <reason>. As an example, you can do /ban addtemp BadDuck07 1d "Being a bad duck!" to ban this player for one day.


In order to lift a ban, you can do /ban del <username> or /ban delip <ip> if they were IP banned.